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PANYC Annual Public Program

PANYC presents an annual Public Program where professional archaeologists discuss the results of their work in New York City.  The Program is co-sponsored by the Museum of the City of New York, where the program has been held every spring since the first event in 1981.

Below you will find the title of each year's program.  Click the date to see that year's program handout containing information on the presentations. 

1981  Symposium on the Archaeology of New York City - various topics

1982  Searching Beneath our City's Streets

1983  No title - various topics

1984  No title - various topics

1985  Archaeology Above and Below the Ground

1986  No title - various topics

1987  (a) Archaeology Around the Town: Updates on Work Done Throughout the City and

           (b) Looking at the Evidence: Documents, Shell Middens, Piers and Gravestones

1988  Urban Archaeology: From Abstract to Concrete


1990  Maritime New York

1991  Neighborhood Archaeology in the City of New York

1992  Hidden Beneath Our Feet

1993  New York in the Years Before the American Revolution:  Archaeological Views

           of a Diverse People

1994  Trades and Markets of Historic New York

1995  Real Estate: The Archaeology of New York Landscapes and Land Use


1997  Reclaiming Vanished Voices: Excavating 19th Century New York


1999  Historic Places/Public Spaces: The Archaeology of New York's Historic Sites

I'm a title. Click here to add your own text and edit me.


2000  Rediscovering the Past: the Little and Big Picture

2001  Ordinary People's Trash: Profiles of Five New Yorkers

2002  The Evolution of a Port:  The Archaeology of NY Harbor

2003  Archaeology as Historic Preservation:  How archaeology can contribute

           to the preservation of America's history

2004  Landscape of Memory: Cemetery Archaeology in New York and New Jersey

2005  Lives of the Rich, the Poor and the Famous:  Glimpses of the 17th and 18th C.

          Manhattan from Records, Letters and Trash

2006  Public  Improvement Projects:  Does Archaeology Delay Progress?  The Real Story

2007  Made in New York:  The Archaeology of New York City's Industrial Past

2008  Colonial Waterfront development in and Around Battery Park: Excavations

           for the New South ferry Subway Terminal

2009  Greenwich Village:  Indians, Backyards and Burial Grounds

2010  Portals to the Past: Archaeology at New York City's Historic Houses

2011  The History and Archaeology of the Commons:  New York City's City Hall Park

2012  The History and Archaeology of the World Trade Center Ship

2013  Re-Discover the Seaport:  Archaeology within the South Street Seaport

           Historic District

2014  New York City Archaeology Then and Now:  Continuing Stories from the


2015  Shovels, Trowels and More:  Celebrating 35 Years of Professional Archaeologist

           of New York City

2016  Digging the Moment: Reports from the Field

2017  Keeping up with Times:  Technology and Archaeology

2018  New York at Its Core:  The Archaeology

2019  Uncovering the Lost Lives of Workers:  The Archaeology of Labor

2020  Cancelled due to COVID-19

2021 Cancelled due to COVID-19

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