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PANYC membership is open to any professional archaeologist who has an interest in New York City archaeology, subscribes to the purpose of the organization and who meets the membership criteria described in the application form. There are two membership categories; full membership and adjunct membership.  Full membership requires an advanced degree in archaeology or related field, and adjunct membership requires the applicant either be working toward an advanced degree or is employed in the field of archaeology or related discipline.  However, only full membership has voting privileges.

Archaeologists interested in applying for membership in PANYC may download the membership application.


PANYC members receive our Newsletter, which is published two times a year, in March and September. If you are not a member you may subscribe to the Newsletter for a subscription fee of $10.00 per year.  If interested in this Newsletter only option. please email  Newsletters more than a year old are available on the Publications page.


PANYC holds five membership meetings per year and notice of meetings is sent to members in good standing.


Public Program

PANYC presents an annual Public Program where professional archaeologists discuss results of their work in New York City. The Program is co-sponsored by the Museum of the City of New York and is presented at the Museum in the spring. Further information is available here.

Non-professional archaeologists may also join the Metropolitan Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association. Further information may be obtained by emailing

For further information on PANYC membership please email us at


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